Projects were developing and the need for space was becoming crucial!
A solution presented itself to me through Ma Friche Urbaine (MFU) and the social landlord Lyon Métropole Habitat (LMH).
The Duchère district is one of the city’s priority districts, and the whole area has been undergoing a transformation over the past 15 years.
My workplace, Duchère Château, is the last part to be renovated.
69009 LYON (en face du précédent atelier)
Atelier l’envolée, Lyon Ouest avec vue sur Vaise
Finally, I found a long lasting solution with SACVL, a well known leasing agent.
I moved my painting equipment at 100, rue des fougères in the building “Lyon Ouest” situated in the 9th district. This 20m2 is a calm work space.
On october17, an open house was organised to celebrate this new location : we will be probably host another one.
The studio is open by appointment.
The studio is so exciting, lots of new projects, a change of living place (Lyon), new professional contacts, a pictorial technique that keeps growing…
So stay tuned : as soon as I find a new working spot, I will post some of pictures.
After 6 months of searching, I finally founded a great spot to move in and work with my faithful companion Rose the Daschund. It is part of the Plateau Urbain located in the 9th district of Lyon.