  • delph.duchesne@gmail.com

Tag Archive #painting asian fish



In 2020, I contacted the Lyon Winter Painting Association to join their group and start presenting my work in my new adopted city. 

My application was successful and I was able to exhibit, not at the Bondy Palace as planned at the beginning of January, but virtually on their website www.lhivernaldelyon.com.

Many associations have had to take on a new role : that of “culture broadcaster in virtual mode” and I thank them for this beautiful ability to adapt.  

This is how this first experience allowed me to be invited to the INTERNATIONAL ARTISTIC SALON OF PUY IN VELAY which will take place in August 2021. A positive and promising result for artists deprived of exhibition venues in 2020 !  

hors de portée, peinture japonaise, techniques mixtes sur feuille washi, 100x70, fleurs de cerisiers, sakuras

“HORS DE PORTEE”, 70×100, peinture japonaise

OTHER SELECTION: THE ALP, HEAR Academie Lyonnaise de peinture

An academy founded in 1994, with the aim of helping and encouraging pictorial activities in the knowledge of the visual arts. It brings together 130 members recruited on file selection. This structure offers the possibility to exhibit on specific shows that are :

Berthelot Lounge; the independents’ lounge, the ArtAlp lounge and other events for members. 

Since my file has been validated, I will be able to meet with Artists from Lyon and exhibit with this group shortly. News to come…

Find my page on the ALP website here: http://academiepeinture.com/artiste.php?id_artiste=242


And finally, REGAL’ART MONTPELLIER in May 2021

I was supposed to present my fish on this beautiful show during the weekend of Toussaint 2020 but it didn’t go as planned and I hope this time to be able to hang my paintings on May 7, 8 and May 2021 at the CORUM in Montpellier. That’s why I continue to paint my little fish that I love so much!

Ide et eau, 30x30, peinture japonsaise, carpe koi

                                                                                            IDE ET EAU, peinture japonaise, 30×30


sortir de l'ombre, Delphine duchesne, peinture japonaise, art asiatique, carpe koi, poisson

SORTIR DE L’OMBRE, peinture japonaise, 30×30

Finally, this summer my works will be visible for free at the Consulate of Japan in Lyon. Consulate officers wait for a presentation of cherry blossoms and koi carp; two themes that characterize their country well and which I paint with great enthusiasm. 

To sum up: 

  • virtual exhibition underway on Winter in Lyon (lhivernaldelyon.com) ;
  • exhibition at Regal’Art in Montpellier on May 7, 8 and 9, 2021 ;
  • exhibition at CAPA in Puy in Velay from August 12 to 25, 2021 ;
  • exhibition at the Japanese Consulate july and August 2021.

