I’m lucky enough to be one of the artists selected for this wonderful adventure !
For over 3 months, I’ve been assiduously preparing for this event with :
I leave it to you to discover the website, created especially for the event and by the organizing company Mayanne évènementiel here :
The program includes the opening of the show on September 20, with :
As you can see, getting out of one’s comfort zone takes on a whole new meaning here, and I have to admit, it’s a real challenge !
As the country has a particular sensibility for the marine world, I chose to present my more or less abstract fish with my favorite techniques.
Carpe koï 2, 30 x 30 techniques mixtes
Carpe koï 1, 30 x 30 techniques mixtes
Here is the press kit written especially designed for the event :
And if you know any friends or relations who live in the Emirates area, don’t hesitate to share the information.
Admission is free, just register directly on the website here :