  • delph.duchesne@gmail.com
Sleek & Beautiful

The exhibition of paintings and sculptures from the association Lhivernal de Lyon

The exhibition of paintings and sculptures from the association Lhivernal de Lyon

From January 6 to 23, 2022, you can come and discover many painters and sculptors.


Take advantage of this totally free and open edition every afternoon and from 10am to 5pm during the weekends.

I will propose 2 large formats entitled “explosion of life” and a format 30×30



explosion de vie 2 par Delphine Duchesne volcans du monde volcans d'Auvergne

“Explosion de vie 2” Format 70×100

EXPLOSION DE VIE 1 delphine duchesne volcans de monde volcan d'Auvergne

“Explosion de vie 1” Format 70×100

Exposition l'hivernal de Lyon, janvier 2022, peintures et sculptures








Finally, to prolong the event, a virtual presentation of the works will be proposed on the website of the association after the event: 


delphine duchesne

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